Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Our Casita

Here is a picture of the house Heather and I share.  Notice the coconut tree in the front yard!  We haven't figured out how to knock down the coconuts yet to drink the water inside, but we're hoping some good ones fall off soon.  The house has 2 bedrooms, a livingroom/dining room, bathroom and a kitchen.  There is also a pila (cement wash basin) outside that we can use for washing our clothes and boots.  Right now we use it to hold our trash because we haven't figured out where we're supposed to burn it yet!

Our house is located in the village, which consists of a couple long streets of houses close together and a few small stores which sell basics and also snacks, Coke and ice cream.  One of our patients named Santos owns one of the stores and gave us ice cream bars today.  He came in last week to have 3 lipomas removed from his arm along with a thorn which had been stuck in his arm for a couple years.  Since the clinic is on the main road, we walk through the village every day to get to work.  It's about a 5 minute walk but it's been fun to see familiar faces along the way.  

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