Wow, what a powerful and wise God we have, right? It was amazing to see Him move in the small village of San Ramon and in the group of 25 students and 2 advisors from Wheaton College Honduras Project during their 10-day spring break trip. This project has been very influential in my life as it first introduced me to the country and people of Honduras during my sophomore and junior years at Wheaton.
This project is a student-led initiative that involves raising support for materials and travel expenses while working in conjunction with a Honduran engineer and his wife to install a gravity-fed water system in a rural Honduran village. The project focuses on a holistic approach in active love through service and seeks to build meaningful relationships by living and working alongside Honduran people. A couple weeks ago I had the privilege to accompany the group as a translator and again I was stretched and challenged to continue to wrestle with issues of poverty and brokenness in our world, while at the same time encouraged and inspired to find hope and joy in the love of Christ.
Most of my time translating was spent at the tank with the two men who were brought in to build the two tanks and facilitate the construction of the rest of the system. I mostly observed and made conversation with Joe, a fellow HPer, and his work partner, Ricardo. We learned how to mix cement, lay bricks, throw cement and accept lots of candy, chips and soda. It was fun to be able to encourage Joe and the other team members to use the Spanish they did know and be able to clear some of the fog in their brains from communicating in another language.
The presence of God was evident in the lives of everyone involved and I was really blown away by their sincere generosity, openness and grace – certainly a testament to the faithfulness and goodness of our God. Ever since I was a sophomore in college, this project (HP) has been instrumental in laying a foundation for my faith and desire to learn how to love others.
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