While the internet is strong enough to upload pictures, I'll continue to blog! This picture was taken the day after we arrived in Rio Viejo. I wasn't aware, but American-run schools typically adopt a different school schedule which has the "summer" break during the rainy season here. This also allows for a break during the holidays for the many American teachers who volunteer at the Christian high school (El Instituto del Rey) directly across the street from our clinic. The ceremony was similar to the few I've been to in the States and included the national anthem played by the school marching band. I think there were about 15 graduates this year.
After the ceremony we tagged along to two graduation parties -- one of which was next to our house for the daughter of the pastor of the church here. Heather and I tried to attend one of the 2 night services last weekend but one was cancelled due to a big wedding in La Ceiba and Sunday the service started early because it was raining so by the time we arrive it was the middle of the sermon and the only 2 open seats were in the middle of the very front row. Yesterday I asked a patient who is training under the pastor at the church about the services and he answered as if to say "Yeah, so what's the confusion about? That's how things work here." We'll give it another go this weekend and hopefully there won't be any more scheduling changes!
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