Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Take My Life

Little over a week until I leave Chicago.  In the midst of all the last minute preparations and to-do lists, this song has been playing in my head -- may it be my prayer now and throughout my time in Honduras.

TAKE MY LIFE  -- Chris Tomlin


Take my life and let it be consecrated Lord, to thee.

Take my moments and my days, let them flow in ceaseless praise.

Take my hands and let them move at the impulse of thy love.

Take my feet and let them be swift and beautiful for thee.


Take my voice and let me sing always, only for my king.

Take my lips and let them be filled with messages from thee.

Take my silver and my gold not a might would I withhold.

Take my intellect and use every power as you choose.



Here am I, all of me.

Take my life, it's all for thee.


Take my will and make it Thine it shall be no longer mine.

Take my heart it is thine own; it shall be thy royal throne.

Take my love, my Lord I pour at your feet its treasure store

Take myself and I will be ever, only all for thee,

Take myself and I will be ever, only all for thee.


Here am I, all of me.

Take my life, it's all for thee.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ticket Purchased!

Excited to inform you that I purchased my ticket from Orlando to San Pedro Sula, Honduras for Novemeber 14th.  Also happy to have found the same flight as Heather, my roommate and fellow intern at the clinic.  There weren't any open seats next to her, but I did find the seat directly behind her one row back!  It'll be fun to meet and catch up a little on the way down before arriving in Rio Viejo.

Michigan weekend

Sarah and I drove up and spent a couple of days in MI this past weekend to visit our grandparents.  I really enjoyed sharing with them the video from HHIM -- it really does a great job sharing the mission and vision of the organization and also paints a good picture of what life is like where I will be living and working in Rio Viejo.  I'm hoping to get the video linked up to my blog sometime soon. 

We were also catch a bit of Nick's first half marathon!  He did an awesome job and has inspired me to train for the next race I run, which isn't all that helpful since my first 10K is this coming Sunday!  Nick ran for team World Vision and even finished under 2 hours -- not bad at all!  Sarah and I were content being cheerleaders and thought we deserved our second cookie of the weekend for our efforts -- conveniently located near the race course at our favorite restaurant in GR, the Gaia.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Colorado Visit

Enjoyed a weekend in Boulder, Colorado visiting my good friend, Kevin, from Wheaton who is studying applied geophysics in a graduate program at CU.

We were both a part of Honduras Project for two years during our undergrad, so it was fun to reminisce about those days and also talk a bit about my upcoming departure for Honduras.

I really enjoyed the fun downtown area, the beautiful mountains and the active community of Boulder. Other highlights of the trip include eating a delicious dinner of pumpkin soup baked right inside of a real pumpkin at the home of some Wheaton alums who live a block away from Kevin (which also involved a couple serious rounds of Rummikub!), hiking in the mountains nearby/geological field trips, visiting with my cousins Reuben and Rachel, and eating authentic Venezuelan food. It was a relaxing trip and also a nice break from the flat scenery of Illinois!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

St. Paul's Decatur Visit

     Last weekend my roommate, Rachel, and I were able to travel down to Decatur for a couple days to visit my home church, St. Paul's Lutheran.  This trip was planned after the last one a couple weeks ago was cut short due to some car trouble.  I had the privilege to do personal sharing at both the Saturday night and Sunday morning outreach services.  I also presented a powerpoint and shared a video put out by HHIM at two community group meetings.  Both groups were very perceptive to my personal reflections on my past experiences with missions and visiting Honduras which was evidenced through the many questions that were asked.  It was great to see my excitement spread and to see others desire to learn more and become involved.  I am very thankful for both the encouragement and also the generous financial support of St. Paul's members.  

     The trip down wasn't complete without a driving tour of the highlights of Decatur -- we especially get a kick out of the number of signs and places that have "soy" in the name.  And to end the tour we made a stop at Dell's Popcorn to get some fresh caramel apples!  Have to love Decatur in the fall!